Frans Josef Petersson
Thursday 27 May 2010

In conjuction with the exhibition Breaking Point: Kathryn Bigelow’s Life in Art that traces Academy Award winner Kathryn Bigelow’s presence in the art world in the 1970s in New York and her collaboration with Lawrence Weiner, Art & Language, Richard Serra, Sylvère Lotringer and others, Signal invites you to an evening on the aesthetics of editorial work.

The editor is both worker and supervisor. At the same time subject to an assignment and to the task of supervising the entire production. The editor is an authority, a controlling instance, constantly undermining his own position. Constantly  justifying his actions like a defendant towards a higher end. A vulnerable position with a tendency to act on the edge of total collapse.

Frans Josef Petersson (Aftonbladet, OEI) will talk about the aesthetics of editorial work and its potential as an artistic method.

The talk will be held in Swedish.