Mikael Löfgren, Louise Andersson,
Jonas Ekeberg
Wednesday 28 January 2015
5−7pm at Malmö Konsthall

Signal – Center for Contemporary Art and Lunds konsthall arrange a release of the report No Exceptions. The Creation of Value in Small and Medium Sized Art Centers at Malmö Konsthall. The report is written by Mikael Löfgren and produced by Klister, a nationwide network for small and medium-sized contemporary art centers in Sweden.

In the report, Löfgren argues that the demand for measurability and immediate numbers that characterizes contemporary cultural discourse is not suitable for evaluating the work of smaller art institutions. Löfgren also argues that what primarily characterizes the work of these art centers is their ability to establish effective networks locally, regionally, nationally and globally, and that networking is not just a geographical phenomenon. The art centers connected to the network of Klister act as links between the public and cultural life, between education and research, and between the personal and the political.

Invited contributors to the evening are Mikael Löfgren, Louise Andersson (cultural policy expert at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions) and Jonas Ekeberg (Editor of Kunstkritikk).

The event will be held in Swedish.