Mikael Nordlander
Tuesday 11 May 2010
In conjuction with the exhibition Breaking Point: Kathryn Bigelow’s Life in Art that traces Academy Award winner Kathryn Bigelow’s presence in the art world in the 1970s in New York and her collaboration with Lawrence Weiner, Art & Language, Richard Serra, Sylvère Lotringer, the Red Krayola and others Signal has invited the music critic Mikael Nordlander to talk a bit about Mayo Thompson, the brain behind the Red Krayola. Departing from some ten songs he will present parts of a history that is still being written. From a psychedelic band in Houston in 1966, via a solo album and New York in the 1970s, to England and post-punk London in 1978 and on to today’s view of a musician that doesn’t seem to want to stop playing music.