A radio drama by Thomas Boutoux and Teddy Coste
Monday 7 November 2022

How to remember an era marked by an obsession with amnesia, attention deficit, lost and recovered memory? Wait, what era are you talking about exactly? The 1990s, pardi ! Oh… really? I thought you were talking about today… I’m going to tell  you the story of how it all happened. The 90s were like nothing but a decade when it started. It was nothing, a blank sheet. The end of history. Stop. Who said that?

Together, Paris based writer, curator and publisher Thomas Boutoux and artist Teddy Coste set out on a meandering journey presented in the format of a kind of radio drama starting in the 1990s and leading up till today. There will be art, music, film clips, dreams and desires, politics and economics, lots of stories, and maybe some singing as well.

NB! Temporary address: Monbijougatan 17C, 4th floor with elevator.



Maybe I’m not the person that I never wanted to be (revised edition, 2022. Malmö mix)