Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa, Fia Backström, Andrea Geyer, Sharon Hayes, Fia-Stina Sandlund, Johan Tirén

29 October–12 December 2010
Opening Friday 29 October 7-9pm

Sweden has now an openly xenophobic party in parliament.

A party more than 300 000 people voted for.

A party that has kicked out the uniformed, put on a suit and a confiding look, gained the votes of dissatisfaction and pointed out a group of obvious scapegoats as the reason behind all social problems. Their former slogan “Keep Sweden Swedish” has become “Let Sweden remain Sweden”.

In Malmö, everyone who is not blond and blue eyed runs the risk of getting shot by a madman who in the press goes by the name Laserman II.

An exclamation mark and a question mark !?

We are now a step closer to the rest of Europe.