Center for
contemporary art

Digital Distress - Consumed by Infinity

Digital Distress – Consumed by Infinity

Kah Bee Chow, Andreas Kurtsson, Alexandra Lerman, Adriana Ramić

8 December 2017–25 March 2018
Opening Friday 8 December 7-9pm

This could be an example of AI generated concrete poetry, or how digitalization appears in the augmented reality of our everyday lives. The interface between… »

The Baudelaire Fractal

The Baudelaire Fractal

Lisa Robertson
Tuesday 28 November 2017

A text which unravels a mystical experience — waking up in a hotel room one morning to discover that I have written the complete works of Baudelaire, yet without actually having become Baudelaire. It’s as if… »

Yan Jun

Yan Jun

Feedback solo & Solo with background
Wednesday 15 November 2017

I wish I was a piece of field recording.
- Yan Jun

Feedback, field recordings, voice and body movement play a central role in Beijing based musician and poet Yan Jun’s improvised… »



by Kirsten Johnson
Introduction by Oskar Hallberg
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Cameraperson (2016), 102min

Exposing her role behind the camera, Kirsten Johnson reaches into the vast trove of footage she has shot over decades around the world. What emerges is a visually… »

The Work of Art: Value in Creative Careers

The Work of Art: Value in Creative Careers

Alison Gerber
Thursday 26 October 2017

Artists are everywhere, from celebrities showing at MoMA to locals hoping for a spot on a café wall. They are photographed at gallery openings in New York and Los Angeles, hustle in fast-gentrifying cities, and, sometimes,… »

Malmö Gallery Night 2017

Malmö Gallery Night 2017

Saturday 30 September 2017

On view is the exhibition today, tomorrow with works by Hardy Strid.

Please note that we will be closed during the day and remain closed on Sunday 1 October.

OEI Poetry Area: extension #28

OEI Poetry Area: extension #28

Gustav Sjöberg, Karolina Erlingsson, Peder Alexis Olsson and Mårten Björk
Readings, performances, presentations, comments
Wednesday 20 September 2017

apud by Gustav Sjöberg
EME EMAUTO by Karolina Erlingsson
Efterkrigsmusik by Peder Alexis Olsson

today, tomorrow

today, tomorrow

Hardy Strid

16 September–26 November 2017
Opening Saturday 16 September 6-9pm

Not so long ago, in a country far up in the northern parts of Europe, a kung fu master wrote down two Chinese characters on a piece of paper. He then translated them… »

Life takes place in the space between words

Life takes place in the space between words

Joseph del Pesco
Monday 4 September 2017

Join us for an evening with curator, writer and publisher Joseph del Pesco, who will read (very) short stories from his forthcoming book, The Museum Took a Few Minutes To Collect Itself, published by Art… »

Bright Leaves

Bright Leaves

by Ross McElwee
Introduction by Oskar Hallberg
Thursday 8 June 2017

Bright Leaves (2003), 105min

Bright Leaves describes a journey taken across the social, economic, and psychological tobacco terrain of North Carolina by Ross McElwee, a native Carolinian whose great-grandfather created… »