Center for
contemporary art

Strange. Familiar. Places.

Strange. Familiar. Places.

Mats Adelman, Deborah Ligorio

23 April–5 June 2005
Opening Friday 23 April 7-9pm

Signal is pleased to present Mats Adelman, Malmö and Deborah Ligorio, Berlin/Milan, with the exhibition Strange. Familiar. Places.

The title of the exhibition alludes to the strange sensation that one can… »

Natasa Petresin

Natasa Petresin

Monday 7 March 2005

Natasa Petresin, curator based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will talk about her practice in relation to the art scene in Slovenia and her experience from working with the experimental and activist art group Zavod Projekt Atol. Natasa Petresin was also… »

Mörklagd 1+2

Mörklagd 1+2

Beata Fransson, Saskia Holmkvist, Simo Rouhiainen

12 February–20 March 2005
Opening Friday 12 February 7-9pm