-1, Sailor Press, the bookshop at Signal
13−14 December 2014
11am−5pm at Mitt Möllan
It is time for the yearly Christmas market at Mitt Möllan. Signal will – on our temporary stay here – participate with a micro book market. Besides publications from specialised publishing houses such as In Edit Mode Press, Paraguay Press, Tankekraft and A.R.T. Press, already regulars in our bookshop, we have invited -1 and Sailor Press to present a selection of titles.
-1 (Copenhagen) is a new bookshop located in the recently inaugurated basement space at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art. Their activities include a bookshop and an archive with a focus on independent publishing strategies, nordic collaborations and the relationship between visual art and printed matter.
Sailor Press (Malmö) is run by the graphic designer Matilda Plöjel. Focusing on a close dialogue and collaboration with artists, the making of each publication explores the specific artistic practice in relation to the medium of printed matter. In addition, Sailor Press distributes books on design-, craft- and art theory.
Come and browse among artists’ books, publications and assorted printed matters!